Monday, October 26, 2009

Reading can do a lot more than just entertain.

I love reading. It is a great hobby. It is not only relaxing but it stimulates the mind as well.

I love reading fiction books. Mostly your romantic/comedy books. I do however occasional read investigative books. It is amazing how you can improve your vocabulary by reading. I have learnt quite a lot from reading.

A tip for all those readers out there...don't be afraid to try new authors or different types of books. There are certain authors who's books I have read so when he or she has written a new book I don't even read the back of the book and just buy it.

I don't like to know what is going to happen in the book before I start reading. So very seldom will I read the write up on the back of the book. On the other hand when I find a book that looks interesting and it isn't by an author that I recognise I will read the back and if I am intrigued by what is written I will buy it.

My Fiancé also enjoys reading. He reads financial books. Now for me that is not nearly as interesting as my books but it is what interests him. So don't be afraid to try something different you never know you might just enjoy it!

Watch this space!

I have officially come to the end of my second year of Btech. After the 5 November I am qualified with my degree in Public Relations Management. It has been an interesting and long two years.

However the emotions that are in me right now are ones of excitement and joy. I will be getting married in a months time and am really looking forward to it. It has been a fun and interesting ten months of planning.

I am really looking forward to beginning a new chapter in my life. There won't be additional things like classes, assignments and tests to worry about just work and my personal life. I am looking forward to what this chapter has in store for both of us and can't wait to marry the man of my dreams.

Right now though I am looking forward to getting my last test over and done with and getting married and going on honeymoon. I have had no leave this entire year and can't wait to have a nice well deserved break. So till then watch this space for more updates!

Monday, October 19, 2009


I think people forget our important exercise is. It helps you live a balanced life. I think people forget that although they might be dieting to loose weight they don't exercise as well.

Now if you did both you are not only able to loose the weight you are also able to a heathly individual. You might on the other hand exercise but eat a lot of junk food and then you will struggle to loose weight, get fit and stay healthy.

So look at combining both exercise and heathly eating and you have a receipe for success. I do exercise 3 times a week. Until recently I was eating way to much junk food but now I realised that I need to combine my exercise routine with healthier eating.

Now I am not saying that you must throw everything out of the fridge and the kitchen cupboards but look at possibly chosing a healthier opiton. You will be surprised what that in combination with exercise can do for you both physically and mentally. Try it out! I did.

Conventional is a good fallback position

I have to agree with this statement. It is great if you can come up with creative and innovative ideas. Whether it be in the professional or personal aspects of your life.

Creative and innovative ideas are usually successful when implemented provided you have done enough research and put enough thought into them. However if you are having a 'moment' when that brain of yours can't think creatively and innovatively them you are always able to fall back on the conventional idea.

It might not be very exciting but it will still work and is always reliable. For these reasons I agreed with the statement. However this does not mean that you should always use the conventional ideas purely because you are lazy and don't want to think of something different and exciting. Use those brain cells you were given you will be surprised what you can come up with!

Friday, October 9, 2009

"Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea."-Alain

There is two sides to this quote. Sometimes you can only think of one idea and even though you have spent plenty of time thinking and strategising you can't come up with anything else.

You will then need to run with that one idea. It has happened to me where I need to do an assignment and I can't think of anything and then all of a sudden this one idea pops into my brain. So I either don't do the assignment or try to think of something else and hope that I can come up with something before the assignment has to be handed in or I use the idea.

The end result in my case was good. However sometimes just having one idea can be dangerous. Its like that saying putting all your eggs in one basket. Everything is riding on this idea and if it isn't good then you can find yourself in a situation.

I wouldn't discourage someone to implement something just because it is the only idea that they have. Sometimes all it takes is just one idea!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Communication and its importance

Communication is of utmost importance in all apects of ones' life. Socially you need to be able to communicate with your friends and have common interests.

On a professional level communication is of even more importance. When speaking to someone you might be speaking the same language but might be understanding one another. If you are given instructions from your boss you need to make sure that they communciate those instructions to you properly and that you receive and understand the instructions.

Colleuages need to communciate with one another continuously. This communication should be clear and on a level that both parties can understand.

It is so easy to misinterpret what some else is saying. So a lesson for everyone to learn would be to ask questions if you are not sure what someone is saying to you. Rather be safe than sorry and go and do something without being sure about what you are meant to be doing.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

"In the future everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes-You can't choose the 15 minutes but why would you be world famous"Andy Warhol

I agree with part of Any Warhol's quote. I agree with the part that states "why would you be world famous". The first part of the quote I don't agree with, why would everybody be world famous for 15 minutes?

Now I understand that by 'world famous' he probably doesn't mean being an actress or actor. Maybe he means that everybody will get an opportunity to be acknowledged for something that they have done or achieved. It is a very difficult quote to interpret.

However, I stick with my first statement that I don't agree completely with the quote. Although is being acknowledged for something that you have done or achieved considered being world famous?

I don't think so...You might not be able to choose when you succeed in life but you can still succeed and be rewarded for it. Is that beign world famous for 15 minutes that will depend on the person reading and intrepreting the quote.