Sunday, February 22, 2009

Designer PR

Options are what today's world is all about. It is inevitable, even if all you are asking for is the simpliest option it is still an option none the less. Creating something new like Designer PR is great. PR practitioners are constantly trying to be on par with marketing, branding and advertising. And yes it is about time that PR owned the customer but it still boils down the the fact that it is yet another option that people need to choose from.

Designer PR is here and by the sounds of things is going to be a big step up for PR and putting PR right on top. To me Designer PR is tailor-making PR to best suit the company to which it is part of and the customer that it serves. I still believe that PR even though it is evolving and becoming more of a niche service should still have management functions. I am not saying that you shouldn't try doing things differently, being original or innovative but still have management functions to put PR up there with all the decision makers. By being up there that is what is going to get all your original and innovative ideas heard and ultimately allowing you to succeed!

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