Thursday, February 26, 2009

If I were the boss...

If I were the boss...

I think that everyone has thought about this at one time or another. You always think...I would change this, that and the other, but when it actually comes down to it I think it is a much harder job to do than people give it credit.

I believe in being fair. It is not a hard or difficult rule just that the same applies to everyone. I think it is an important rule to have. As the boss I would also give my staff constructive criticism. Not a shouting match but if a staff member does something wrong then talk to them about it and explain that things are not done like that and how he/she can do it better next time. I understand it is difficult especially when some people might think that you are being racist, but if you think that the person might feel picked on, address the entire department regarding a certain issue instead of just that person that way you are not picking on anyone.

I understand that as a boss you can't babysit your staff all day especially when your office is not near the staff. In this case I would however make a point of finding out what is happening in my department on a regular basis. Other than managing staff you also have the responsibilities that come with being the boss and that is not an easy task. For me personally its a bigger task to manage the staff than managing the work responsibilities. At the end of the day I would want to be a boss that my staff can learn from and grow as individuals in the industry. To me that is one of the attributes of being a great boss!

1 comment:

  1. Definately agree with you on this one Megs!It's so easy to say "I want to be the boss" yet we forget to acknowledge the hard work and effort that goes into being the boss. You sound like the dream boss - please let me know when you decide to establish your own company so that I can send my CV to you!
