Thursday, May 28, 2009

Our greatest strengths are our greatest weaknesses

For some people their greatest strengths can be their greatest weaknesses. I have a particular strength that falls into this category.

Talking was something I loved doing from a very early age. If you missed a tv programme or anything for that matter, I am the person to tell you what happened. I tell you the whole story not leaving any details out. I am so thorough that you don't even need to ask me any questions because I would have answered all your questions in telling you the story.

Communication is my thing...most of the time it is one of my greatest strengths but sometimes it can also be my greatest weakness. The reason why I say this is that sometimes when people ask me a question I normally will give them the full explanation rather than leaving all the other details out and just provide the answer to the question. It is because of this that I sometimes lose the interest or attention of the person that I am talking to.

I need to learn to read people before I start communicating with them. Figure out if I can give them the whole story or just provide the answer. It is very difficult though...this is the way I communicate and it is not easy to force myself to just provide a short answer to the question.

This is the reason why some people get frustrated with me...but most of the people know what I am like and are used to the way I communicate. So yes, your greatest strengths can be your greatest weaknesses.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Feelings follow behaviour

Behaviour stems from the way your parents brought you up. The values they taught you, the morals they instilled in you and teaching you the difference between right and wrong.

This is what defines your behaviour and therefore everyone will behaviour in a different manner. Behaviour can be acceptable or unacceptable. This is determined by the person, based on the way they were brought up.

As a result feelings follow behaviour. People will determine whether other people's behaviour is acceptable based on what they know and have experienced. Feelings are then expressed based on the way one person behaviours towards another.

Behaviour needs to take place first and the feelings will follow. It is like an reaction to an action.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

It is better to practice a little than talk a lot.

For someone like me being in the industry that I am in talking is part of my job. I feel that communication is important, not only in my job but in my day to day life.

The saying "practice makes perfect" does come to mind when I look at this statement and I understand the importance of practicing. It applies to anything that you want to do whether it is in your job or a hobbie or interest that you have. The more you practice it the better you get.

As important as this is, as a Marketing and Communications Officer communication is of utmost importance to me. Not only do I communicate to my colleges but I also communicate to our customers.

So I don't think that practice should talk preference over talking! I think that you should spend as much time practicing as you should talking. What you talk about you can also put that into practice. Rather exercise both tasks rather than concentrate on one or the other.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

It is a poor idea to lie to yourself.

Some people prefer to lie to themselves. They do it so that they don't have to face to truth. The only problem with that is that the lies always catch up with you.

It might start off as one small lie but generally that lie leads to another lie and then another and another. Eventually you can't even remember what you lied about in the beginning. For some people the more they tell the lie whether its to themself or others the more they start to believe that it really is true.

It is a poor idea to lie to yourself. Why would you want to deceive yourself like that? You are only making things more complicated for yourself, never mind the other people that you are also telling the lie too.

Face the truth, whether it is hard, ugly or complicated...thats life! You will find a way to work though it. You might even surprise yourself! Don't let the lies get the better of you.