Thursday, May 7, 2009

It is a poor idea to lie to yourself.

Some people prefer to lie to themselves. They do it so that they don't have to face to truth. The only problem with that is that the lies always catch up with you.

It might start off as one small lie but generally that lie leads to another lie and then another and another. Eventually you can't even remember what you lied about in the beginning. For some people the more they tell the lie whether its to themself or others the more they start to believe that it really is true.

It is a poor idea to lie to yourself. Why would you want to deceive yourself like that? You are only making things more complicated for yourself, never mind the other people that you are also telling the lie too.

Face the truth, whether it is hard, ugly or complicated...thats life! You will find a way to work though it. You might even surprise yourself! Don't let the lies get the better of you.

1 comment:

  1. Lies do complicate things. Once you tell one, you have to tell more to cover the first lie up. Why would someone want to put themselves through that.
