Sunday, October 4, 2009

"In the future everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes-You can't choose the 15 minutes but why would you be world famous"Andy Warhol

I agree with part of Any Warhol's quote. I agree with the part that states "why would you be world famous". The first part of the quote I don't agree with, why would everybody be world famous for 15 minutes?

Now I understand that by 'world famous' he probably doesn't mean being an actress or actor. Maybe he means that everybody will get an opportunity to be acknowledged for something that they have done or achieved. It is a very difficult quote to interpret.

However, I stick with my first statement that I don't agree completely with the quote. Although is being acknowledged for something that you have done or achieved considered being world famous?

I don't think so...You might not be able to choose when you succeed in life but you can still succeed and be rewarded for it. Is that beign world famous for 15 minutes that will depend on the person reading and intrepreting the quote.

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