Friday, October 9, 2009

"Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea."-Alain

There is two sides to this quote. Sometimes you can only think of one idea and even though you have spent plenty of time thinking and strategising you can't come up with anything else.

You will then need to run with that one idea. It has happened to me where I need to do an assignment and I can't think of anything and then all of a sudden this one idea pops into my brain. So I either don't do the assignment or try to think of something else and hope that I can come up with something before the assignment has to be handed in or I use the idea.

The end result in my case was good. However sometimes just having one idea can be dangerous. Its like that saying putting all your eggs in one basket. Everything is riding on this idea and if it isn't good then you can find yourself in a situation.

I wouldn't discourage someone to implement something just because it is the only idea that they have. Sometimes all it takes is just one idea!

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